Exchanges, Refunds & Returns


For Lenses 6x or less:

If you ordered the wrong power, or want to change lens type, send us the original, ***undamaged lens (must be sent back NO LATER than 14 days after receiving the lens) and we will send you a new lens in the new power and lens type (if upgrading, the difference in cost will be charged).  Shipping is to be covered by the customer.  Click here to get started.

***Please note that  when a lens is put in the scope and the lens retainer ring is clamped or screwed down to secure the lens, OFTEN times, it will leave a permanent marking on the lens.  If this happens, this lens CANNOT be returned or exchanged.

For Lenses 7x or higher:

There is no exchange of these higher lens powers.


Refunds are NOT available at this time.